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Telconi GmbH
Wilhelm-Leibl-Platz 5
81479 Munich

+49 89 18952960

+49 89 18952959


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We're currently in the process of building a small partner network. Please contact partner@telconi.com if your company would be interested in becoming a partner in one of the following categories.


To become a reseller your company should maintain an existing customer base and have expertise and experience in the networking field. As we're located in Germany, we're especially interested in resellers abroad. Please contact us for terms and conditions.

OEM/Integration Partners

Telconi Terminal integrates well with NMS or CRM software. If you're a software vendor or systems integrator and would like to sell Telconi Terminal as a modular, branded part of your customer solution, we offer to provide you with the neccessary customizations and flexible conditions.

Training Partners

Telconi Terminal already proofed very useful being used in training sessions, as it helps novices to accomplish configuration modifications with ease while not hiding the device's complexity. If your organization is offering Cisco® or related training, we're offering attractive licensing terms and conditions.

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Trademark notice: PIX Firewall is a trademark. Cisco®, Cisco Systems®, Cisco IOS®, and IOS® are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. or certain other countries. InterMapper® is a registered trademark of Dartware, LLC. Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. Google Earth mapping service is a trademark of Google, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, registered service marks mentioned on this page are the property of their respective owners.

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